The Three Stags - Tuna Melt and Pimms - London, United Kingdom

Pimms is an English summer afternoon drink, like mint julep is in the U.S. It's got champagne and I don't have any idea what else, but the waiter had to "pop around the corner to the shop" to get more. This one came with cucumber slices, lime wedges, orange wedges, lemon wedges, and mint leaves. It is damn good. The creamy tuna melt was on a thick slice of hard-crusted bread. The fish wasn't too strong and the cheese wasn't too rich and the two together made my favorite London meal.
Looks like a ice-tea served around here in Mumbai. But of course you mentioned it had champagne. Good stuff!
BTW, I love your photos? What camera/settings are you using?
Do drop in @ my blog.
Hey, Kapil, nice to meet you. I bought a Canon PowerShot A400 before I left the U.S. I have a digital SLR, but I didn't want the stress of keeping track of it nor the hassel of carrying it with me. Anyway, this has a built in setting called Indoor that I often use (it adjusts the "film speed" to the situation based on sensor readings). If I hold my breath it won't blur too bad, usually. :) Otherwise, there's often enough light for the regular setting, which is also automatic. On this trip I'm a tourist, not a photographer. I'll keep an eye on your blogs and thanks for stopping by.
wendy girl, you are having a love-affair with food . . . and i´m the one dying for a bite here! stop being so awesome, you´re making me look bad.
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