Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Culinaria - Spinach Quiche, Mussel Pasta Salad, Mashed Potatoes with Truffles - Prague, Czech Republic

The quiche had the right mix of the key ingredients; cheese, egg, and spinach. The truffles gave the mashed potatoes an earthy quality.
The pasta salad was uncomfortable. Since ending my strict vegetarianism, I'm hyper-aware of what I am eating. The meal I broke my principle with was peel-n-eat shrimp. To look at a creature so recently dead, to physically pull off it's legs and skin and put it into my mouth and chew was an existential act. I knew exactly what I was doing in a way that most people don't seem to.

Not long after that, I attended an oyster bake. The craggy, gray shells were taken from the ice buckets and put over a fire on a cookie sheet. Someone would turn them periodically, wearing leather gloves. Finally they were spread out on a makeshift table. I grabbed one and opened it with a special knife. Inside was a lump of delicate flesh, steaming. With great effort I overcame my fear, yes fear, and took it into my mouth. This incredible flavor was accompanied by my horror at the texture and my action. I ate four or five more.
So sitting in Culinaria, I experienced the horror again, but this time it was worse. The bodies were chewy, stiff, their little "feet" sticking out. The flavor was not enough to compensate. I forced myself to eat them, because the meal was ridiculously overpriced, but finally, with two left, I couldn't finish. Posted by Picasa

Redneck - Breaded and Fried Salmon with Croquettes - Prague, Czech Republic

Mediocre salmon needs fried bread, but it's even better when accompanied by fried mashed-potato balls (croquettes). Why don't we have these in the U.S.?

Tartar sauce is a must, too. Amazingly, being here has weaned me off of ketchup for fried potatoes, but I still prefer it to nothing.

I don't eat the vinegar-only slaw garnish. Slaw should have mayonnaise. Lots of it. Posted by Picasa

Donna Pizzeria - Anchovy Pizza - Prague, Czech Republic

I forget what the name of this was on the menu, but I was surprised that it came with sliced hard-boiled egg. About the multitude of sliced mushrooms: The only mushrooms that taste good to me are "button" (as named by a waiter at 518 West in Raleigh), chanterelle, and truffles.
Wikipedia says, "Button mushrooms have a unique flavor that can be matched by few other mushrooms." I would have sworn the ones at 518 had been marinated, but the waiter said no. Anyway, these mushrooms were too strong for me, as usual, so I picked them off.
The real disappointment, though, was that the anchovies were mashed up and sprinkled under the cheese. I was hoping for whole, salty filets to slurp down, like my mom used to get. Super thin crust is normal here. Instead of cornmeal-coated perfection (found only at Pinocchio's Pizza in Cottage Grove, Oregon) it's the weight, texture, and flavor of cereal box. Did I mention that I was hungry and ate this gladly? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

U Palacka - Sea Pike with garlic - Prague, Czech Republic

Being still new to fish, this was the first time I noticed the difference between fresh water and salt water, which I should have known: Salt water fish are saltier. Huh, go figure. This is another meal that looks unappetizing, but was pretty good. Not great, but okay. Posted by Picasa